
Via “A Minnesota high school was forced to close down for the day Friday after students released pigeons in the building as a prank.”

Superintendent Tim Dittberner confirmed the closure of New Prague High School in a Twitter post, declaring it a Digital Learning Day due to “health and safety concerns” in the wake of the bird release. He blamed the closure on “a poor choice by some students who released birds.”

Someone apparently broke into the school and released a dozen-plus pigeons who – no surprise – had shit everywhere by the time staff arrived in the morning. (I have so many questions about how the dozen pigeons were captured and transported to the school. And why pigeons?)

On behalf of the pigeon ed-tech resistance, let’s take note that “digital learning” was deemed the punishment for this senior prank. Ed-tech always shows its true colors…

h/t @douglevin

Audrey Watters


The Pigeons of Education Technology

A Hack Education Project

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